music portfolio

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Frequently updated samples of Rhoda’s work can be found on her Facebook page.

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Feature 1: Loonin (1997)

Original music recorded and written when Rhoda was in her late teens and early 20s. Loonin calls to her formative roots in northern Minnesota and what it’s like to see your friends and yourself grow and relationships change.

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Feature 2: Lullaby Creek (2002)

Rhoda’s sophomore album comes from her 30s and 40s where her lullabies sing her kids to sleep and her joyful melodies take a beautiful and honest snapshot of friendship, motherhood, and the contentedness of just ‘being.’

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Feature 3: Cover Sample

Rhoda’s brother Artie was a huge contributor to both albums. Artie occasionally joins Rhoda on the road too! This song appears on Rhoda’s second album, Lullaby Creek.